发布日期:2015-12-21 点击量:10次 时间地点:
Job Description (Customer Due Diligence)
1. To ensure compliance with the Money Laundering Prevention Policy/Guideline/Procedure and the Code of Conduct;
2. Maker to perform CDD (Customer Due Diligence) making process according to Group standards and country specific regulations;
3. Checker to perform CDD (Customer Due Diligence) review checking process according to Group standards and country specific regulations. Provide quality control assurance for the completeness of CDD records and compliance with the Standards.
4. Support RM in generating CDD records that are consistent with the Standards and any additional local regulatory requirements. Also manage and assist the RMs with CDD Reviews.
5. To report and escalate any potential risk identified as part of daily BAU (Business as Usual);
6. To ensure no breach of SLA (Service Level Agreement)
Job Requirement-Banking Operations
1. Bachelor Degree and above;
2. Highly motivated and eager to learn;
3. Self-initiative, always have a can-do attitude;
4. Good English & Mandarin language communication, CET6, TEM8 is preferred;
5. Major of English, Accounting, Finance related is preferred.
Career Development
1. Experience International Bank’s working atmosphere;
2. Working together with foreign experts in banking industry;
3. Learn bank knowledge and regulations;
4. Transfer opportunity between Scope China and Standard Chartered Bank.
Scope International (China) Co., Ltd.
Scope International (China) Co., Ltd was established in 2007, is part of Standard Chartered Group Shared Services Centres (GSSCs) organization and a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Co., Ltd. Modelled after Chennai, India and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Scope China is the third GSSC of Standard Chartered Group providing robust back-end banking operations, data processing and technology outsourcing services.
Scope International China's business includes Wholesale Banking and Consumer Banking Account Services, Cash Management Services, Credit Initiation, Financial Markets System Developments, etc. In the future 3-5 years, the company aims to continuously develop it business in Tianjin.
Please send your resume to: zhaopin.gsscchina@
1. 学习并熟练运用反洗钱法和渣打集团行为准则;
2. 按照国家和集团法律法规执行客户尽职调查流程;
3. 根据国家和集团法律法规提供客户尽职调查记录的完整和质量控制保证;
4. 协助客户经理生成符合渣打集团和国家法规要求的客户尽职调查记录,管理和协助客户经理进行客户尽职调查的审阅;
5. 汇报日常工作中识别到的潜在风险;
6. 根据团队要求和工作目标控制并提高客户尽职调查的效率和质量。
1. 本科及以上学历;
2. 自我激励和强烈的求知欲望;
3. 主动性强,具备克服困难的信心;
4. 良好的沟通能力,英文读写能力强,英语六级,专业八级优先考虑;
5. 英语,会计,金融等相关专业优先考虑。
1. 体验国际化银行的工作氛围;
2. 比肩国际银行金融专家;
3. 学习金融货币知识和相关法律法规;
4. 提供渣打银行与渣打科营中心岗位轮换机会。
作为渣打集团的成员之一,渣打(中国)科技营运有限公司(渣打科营中心) 成立于2007年,坐落于天津市滨海新区第二大街MSD,是渣打银行(香港)有限公司拥有的全资子公司。