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职位:Tax and Business Advisory Services

2020年09月28日 14:21

德勤管理咨询(上海)有限公司宁波办公室2021年招聘简章一、企业简介 成立于1845年的德勤有限公司,总部位于英国伦敦,在全球150个国家和地区设有成员所,全球员工超过31.2万人,提供企业管理咨询、税务咨询、法律咨询、审计咨询、财务咨询和企业风险咨询等一站式专业服务,且早在1917年便在中国上海设立办事处,为《财富》世界500强中超过95%的中国企业提供服务。2019财年,德勤全球营收达到462亿美元,连续4年位居全球“四大会计师事务所”之首。 2020年4月22日,德勤管理咨询(上海)有限公司宁波办公室在浙江省宁波市海曙区正式运行。这是德勤在新冠肺炎疫情发生后全球首个正式运营的新设机构。德勤将以至精至善的专业服务和至深至广的行业经验,助力当地的客户、人才和社会成就不凡。随着德勤宁波办公室的运行,我们也将陆续引进本地人才及各类高水平人才,打造高素质人才队伍并形成人才培养的持续效应。 德勤宗旨与文化缔造共同价值观 德勤秉承“因我不同,成就不凡”的宗旨,致力为客户、人才和社会创造积极成果。凡事用心良苦,皆为不同凡响。 充满活力、激励人心和同心协力的职场文化对于实现德勤宗旨至关重要。德勤对多元化和包容性的承诺以重视员工福祉为依托,旨在确保员工关怀互助和备受重视。并且,我们并提供市场领先的灵活工作制机会。这激励我们积极发挥表率作用,改善生活质量,并且推动德勤成为市场的绝对领导者。 德勤通过多元化服务和数字化解决方案为客户创造价值 作为2019年全年收入462亿美元的最大的专业服务机构,德勤提供审计及鉴证、财务咨询、风险咨询、税务与商务咨询和管理咨询服务,175余年来孜孜不倦地致力于成就不凡,所践行的宗旨已然超乎利润之上;我们致力于成为最具有创新精神的专业服务机构,利用数字化解决方案和行业专业知识为客户、人才和社会成就不凡。 德勤在颠覆和转型的业务平台上提供最佳的学习体验和发展机遇 学习改变世界,学习永无止境。德勤鼓励员工挑战自我、担当导师,积极开辟新径,为客户、同事和社会成就不凡。我们培养包容且平易近人的世界一流的领导者和专业人员。而且,员工可以选择成就何种不凡。 在德勤,员工可在最优秀的团队中学习和发展,并能探索最适合自己的工作方式,从而掌握有益于整个职业生涯的技能和经验。我们提供一个全球连接的网络,为跨地区的流动性提供机会,并为人才提供平易近人的领导才能,以促进人才的成长和发展。 毫无疑问,人才可在各个层级发挥领导作用。从实习生到领导者,德勤专业人员均是如此。人才代表德勤的未来,因此德勤致力于针对人才发展进行投资,帮助员工超越自我。此外,德勤始终鼓励工作与生活的平衡。德勤重视本真,相信员工可在工作中展现真我、激励他人。 二、招聘岗位信息 Associate - Tax and Business Advisory Services- NB 所属公司与部门:税务与商务咨询 工作地点:宁波市海曙区和义路168号 招聘人数:若干 学 历:本科及以上 工作类型:全职 招聘截止时间:2020年10月10日 工作内容/职位描述: Tax and Business Advisory Services Deloitte China Tax and Business Advisory is the only Big Four practice that works As One across Greater China Region including the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan with nearly 2,500 tax people to advise and assist clients concerning tax and business issues. It is also a Tier One tax practice in Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Work you will do ? Be responsible for handling tax compliance projects such as preparing tax returns and computations in various jurisdictions ? Assists with tax consulting projects such as performing tax research, tax due diligence and drafting tax advisory reports ? Develops knowledge of current tax legislation across the Global Tax and Legal function ? Recognizes the key capabilities required to deliver a high quality service experience to the client ? Collects, assimilates, and analyzes data and uses standard processes and tools to help surface and support solutions in the Tax and Legal business ? Applies technology knowledge to address client business challenges You are also expected to do ? Builds own understanding of our purpose and values; explores opportunities for impact ? Demonstrates strong commitment to personal learning and development; acts as a brand ambassador to help attract top talent ? Understands expectations and demonstrates personal accountability for keeping performance on track ? Actively focuses on developing effective communication and relationship-building skills ? Understands how their daily work contributes to the priorities of the team and the business 任职要求: ? Bachelor degree or above in any disciplines while taxation, accounting, finance, law, computer science, Japanese, Korean or a business related discipline preferred ? Strong academic performance ? Aspires to be a professional in a very competitive environment and demonstrate strong commitment in the profession ? Demonstrates proactive learning capability and attitude ? Demonstrates ability to comprehend and analyze complex issue in business context and present effectively both in oral and written English ? Demonstrates ability to manage multiple tasks ? Be able to communicate effectively and relate with people effectively ? Demonstrates leadership potential at extra curriculum activities and ability to work as a team player ? Be proficient in MS Office and other computer software ? Can be trusted with confidence ? Opens to constructive critiques on how to improve 三、应聘需知 联系人: Sherry 0571-89727744 邮箱: gradrecruit_hz@ 网申通道 了解更多实习机会、招聘答疑、一手资料可加入宁波大学校友群 更多资讯关注德勤招聘官微

