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2019年10月10日 审核人:

威海香海豪生度假酒店 威海首家国际高端联号酒店,由大中華酒店(香港)有限公司Greater China Hospitality (H.K.) Limited 管理。酒店位于那香海国家AAAA级景区内,与威海市未来城市中心及综合商业体东部滨海新城融为一体,实为度假生活与商旅人士的理想之选。 305间客房及套房优雅舒适,设备设施齐全而温馨,为度假及商务客人提供细致入微的优质服务。 3间风格各异的餐厅和酒吧提供各色佳肴美馔。豪生咖啡厅汇聚全球美食,足不出户即可体验舌尖上的世界风味;豪生阁中餐厅提供传统淮阳菜、新派鲁菜以及本地特色海鲜;同时,我们倡导 “乐活” 健康的生活方式,追随新概念餐饮潮流,在上述两间餐厅推出 “复合美食”,这必将带给您全新的美食体验;艺廊大堂吧是举杯小酌的欢聚之地,各色饮品及小食琳琅满目,在夏季更有乐队的精彩演出,令您尽享休闲时光。 距离景区专属的2.5公里钻石沙滩浴场仅一步之遥,景区内更有温泉、健身中心及室外大型游泳池、帆船基地等丰富的康体娱乐设施。 可至多容纳500人的豪生厅适合各类大型婚宴、商务宴请及会议,多功能会议室和董事会会议室,可分别容纳12人-60人,可满足客户不同层次的会议需求。 Howard Johnson Dream Sea Resort WeihaiHoward Johnson Dream Sea Resort is the first international brand hotel in Weihai, managed by GCH (Greater China Hospitality (H.K.) Limited). The resort has 305 deluxe guestrooms and suites, all with the state-of-art facilities and breath-taking sea view. Our 3 restaurants and lounge are the best places where trendy people meet! The RIVIERA Coffee Shop provides global cuisines in buffet style; In the LOTUS GARDEN Chinese Restaurant, we serve traditional Huaiyang dishes, modern Shandong dishes and local authentic flavors; To advocate a life style of ‘LOHAS’, a creative menu featuring healthy and exquisite fusion dishes will be introduced in the above two restaurants which will definitely enhance your dining experience; Moreover, in the PAVILLION Lobby Lounge, a wide variety of drinks and snacks are served for relaxation plus the live band show in the evening. The Grand Ballroom with a capacity of up to 500 people is an ideal venue for business banquet, wedding and large conference. In addition, the functional room and the board room can accommodate from 12 to 60 people for meetings and small gatherings. 地址Address:中国山东省威海市环海路6699号 6699 Huanhai Ave. Weihai, Shandong, P.R.China 电话Tel:(86 631) 786 6888 传真Fax:(86 631) 786 6555 网址Website:ww***com[点击查看]前厅部 Front Office 前台接待员 Receptionist 礼宾司 Chief Concierge 礼宾员 Concierge 餐饮部 Food & Beverage 西餐服务员 Western Restaurant Waiter 送餐员 Room Service Waiter 大堂吧服务员 Lobby Lounge Waiter 西厨助厨 Commis 客房部 Housekeeping 楼层服务员 Room Attendant 客房中心文员 HSKP Order-taker 公共区域服务员 PA Attendant 市场销售部 Sales & Marketing 销售经理 Sales Manager 宴会销售经理 Banquet Sales Manager 宴会销售协调员 Event Coordinator 销售协调员 Sales Coordinator 市场销售部秘书 Secretary to Sales & Marketing 工程部 Engineering 维修工 Maintenance 保安部 Security 保安员 Security Guard 福利待遇 Benefits 免费食宿 Free Working Meal & Dormitory Accommodation 五险一金 Social Insurances & Housing Fund 公休与年假 Public Holiday & Paid Annual Leave 专业培训 On-job Training 员工活动 Staff Activities 免费宿舍班车接送 Free Shuttle Bus 联系人 Contact : 人力资源部 Human Resources Department 招聘电话 Recruitment HOTLINE : 0631-786 6888 转 6333 招聘邮箱 Email : hr.resortweihai@ 地址 Add: 山东省威海市环海路6699号(那香海国际旅游度假区香海豪生度假酒店) 工作时间 Working Time: Monday(周一)to Friday(周五) 8:30am-5:30pm

