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[香港]香港大学招聘硕士和博士(鼻咽癌|EBV| 病毒方向)

【香港大学招收硕士和博士 鼻咽癌 EBV 病毒方向】

点击数:29 录入时间:2015-11-27

余老师好,香港大学这边我一个老师在招收硕士学生和博士学生。 他的研究方向是鼻咽癌, EBV 病毒。 不知道咱们武大有没有同学想来的? 2011届硕士毕业生朱丹丹 Dear prospective students,My group is focused on conducting basic and translational research in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-related diseases, including both lymphoproliferative disorders and epithelial malignancies, which are important diseases affecting the Chinese population. The scope of research covers drug discovery, cell and molecular biology, immunology and genomic studies, aiming to elucidating mechanisms of disease and targeting molecular pathways for treatment. Please visit my personal or lab webpages for more information.I am looking for motivated students who are interested to participate in scientific research and wish to pursue a MPhil or PhD degree in medical sciences at HKU. There are several openings in my laboratory for the main round of application for research postgraduate studies at HKU, deadline on 1-Dec-2015.You should have obtained a bachelor degree of first class or second class upper division 1 or either have completed or in the process of completing a MPhil study in Biological Sciences. I will also discuss with you on the feasibility of applying for HK PhD Fellowship which is a research council funded scheme for outstanding candidates.If you are interested, please send your CV and academic transcripts to me via email (chiangak@hku.hk) as soon as possible and arrange an interview with me in Nov 2015.Yours sincerely,Alan KS ChiangBSc, MBChB, PhD, FHKCPaed, FHKAM, FRCPCH, FRCP (Edin, Glasg, Lond)Clinical Associate Professor & Honorary ConsultantChildren's Centre of Cancers & Blood DiseasesDepartment of Paediatrics & Adolescent MedicineThe University of Hong KongQueen Mary Hospital102 Pokfulam RoadHong Kong, ChinaTel: 852-22554485Fax: 852-28551523Email: chiangak@hku.hkPersonal Webpage: pa***.hk[点击查看] Webpage: ch***com[点击查看]

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