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[香港]桑福德伯恩斯坦2015校园招聘-Sanford C. Bernstein2015校园招聘

信息来源:Sanford C. Bernstein
Research Associate

Position Description

We are looking for Research Associates to join the Hong Kong office of Sanford C. Bernstein's premier Equity Research platform. Our industry teams are typically only two or three professionals in number, and you will have a high level of responsibility and be empowered to make an important contribution.

As a Research Associate you will:

Acquire expertise in your sector working with Senior Analysts who are seasoned industry experts

Become adept at in-depth analysis of your industry and companies

Learn a rigorous level of financial analysis and build complex financial models

Contribute to our highly differentiated written product

Build relationships with company managements as well as sales, trading, and institutional clients

We make a strong commitment to Associate development, and give you opportunities to rapidly gain visibility and incremental responsibility. While our culture is intellectually challenging, it is also very collegial and fun - Associates lead and participate in a range of activities including philanthropy, leadership and development programs, social events, mentoring and annual off- and on-sites.


Our Research Associates typically possess:

Track records of outstanding academic performance, including honors and awards. Academic credentials typically include test scores and grades in the 90th percentile and above

Excellent broad-based analytical skills

Relentless intellectual curiosity and a drive to excel at the highest level

Strong quantitative backgrounds

Outstanding verbal and written communication skills

We look for consummate team players who seek a highly rigorous and collegial environment for their development. Research Associates often advance to Senior Research Associate positions and/or go on to graduate school. These are typically 3-5 year positions with outstanding growth potential.

Key Dates

Wednesday, November 5th Resumes and Cover Letters Due to HKResearchOpenings@

Monday, November 17th On-Campus Presentation, Room 201, No 1 Guanghua Building, PKU

Wednesday, November 19th On-Campus Interviews

Company Description

Sanford C. Bernstein is widely recognized as Wall Street's premier sell-side research and brokerage firm, with a global equity trading platform that spans the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Our firm was founded in the U.S. in 1967 and in the U.K. in 1999. Our research and trading capabilities are sought out by leading investment managers around the world, and we are annually ranked at the top of our industry by acknowledged arbiters. In independent surveys of major institutional clients, Bernstein's research is ranked #1 for overall quality, industry knowledge, most trusted, best detailed financial analysis, major company studies, most useful valuation frameworks and best original research. In Institutional Investor's latest annual client survey, the leading survey by which research analysts in our industry are evaluated, over 90% of our U.S. analysts and the majority of our European Analysts were recognized as among the best in their respective fields - more than any other firm in our industry. We began operations in Hong Kong in 2010, and now cover a range of sectors across Asia. Our European research team is also home to Extel's #1-ranked analyst across Europe.

Research has always been Bernstein's calling card. The brand is defined by our renowned Blackbooks, known for their unbiased, in-depth company and industry forecasts. We have a community of Research Analysts who are acknowledged thought leaders that typically have many years of experience in the industries they cover. Our reputation is for the very highest caliber of independent and disciplined investment and industry analysis. We are a wholly-owned subsidiary of our buy-side parent, AllianceBernstein.





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