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高盛是集投资银行、证券交易和投资管理等业务为一体的国际著名的投资银行。它为全球成千上万个重要客户,包括企业、金融机构、国家政府及富有的个人,提供全方位的高质量金融服务。 高盛1869年创立于纽约,是全球历史最悠久、经验最丰富、实力最雄厚的投资银行之一。 在以合伙人制度经营了一百三十年之后,高盛于1999年5月在纽约证券交易所挂牌上市。 高盛公司总部设在纽约,在全球二十多个国家设有分部,并以香港、伦敦、法兰克福及东京等地作为地区总部。


招聘公告主题 2014 Goldman Sachs Shanghai Community Teamworks - open for year 2 students (SJTU) 招聘类别 全职

宣讲会地点 宣讲起始时间 宣讲结束时间

招聘内容 Community TeamWorks is our global volunteer initiative that allows our people to take a day out of the office and spend it volunteering with local nonprofit organizations. In 2013, more than 25,000 Goldman Sachs people from 48 offices around the world partnered with more than 950 non-profit organizations on a diverse array of community service projects. We will be offering a group of 2nd year university students the opportunity to take part in the below project and experience this unique initiative. Join Goldman Sachs professionals, and spend one day giving back to the community while learning more about the unique culture and career opportunities Goldman Sachs has to offer. Project: Charity Event for the Disabled Date: Saturday, June 7, 2014 Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm Partnership Charity: Xintu Health Community Center - Assist the disadvantaged groups in improving their health and living standard. Event Description: To provide support for this annual charity event for the disabled. Volunteers are also encouraged to interact with beneficiaries through cake baking DIY sessions. Click here to apply Application deadline is Sunday, May 25, 2014. Please note that selected participants will be notified with the details via email before the event. 1. Go to /careers 2. Select 'Event' under 'Students and Graduates' section 3. Search with 'Asia except Japan' as the region and Firmwide as the Event Category 4. Select the appropriate event title 5. Complete and submit the event registration form according to the instructions If you have any questions, please email: aejcampusrecruiting@. Learn more about Goldman Sachs: ww***com[点击查看]

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