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 标题: 福建泉州万达酒店

 截止日期:  发布日期: 2012年04月09日 16时24分

 需求内容: 泉州万达酒店 我们正在招聘以下职位: We are recruiting candidates for positions as below: 前 厅 部:宾客关系主任、行政酒廊接待员、前台接待、 服务中心接线员、商务中心文员、行李员、健身中心服务员、泳池救生员 FO: Guest Relations Officer, Executive Club Attendant, Receptionist, Service Center Operator, Business Center Attendant, Bellboy,Health Club Attendant, Life Guard 餐 饮 部:中西餐厅/宴会厅/大堂酒廊服务员 F&B: Service Attendants of Restaurants and Lobby Lounge 客 房 部:文员、楼层服务员 HSKP: Order Taker, Room attendant 财 务 部:总出纳、收入审计员、成本控制文员、采购文员、信贷文员、收货文员、资产管理员 FIN: General Cashier, Income Audit Clerk, Cost Control Clerk, Purchasing Clerk, Credit Clerk, Receiving Clerk, Fixed Assets Attendant 市场销售部:销售协调员、预订员 S&M: Sales Coordinator, Reservations Clerk 人力资源部:各部门总监秘书 HR: Secretaries 泉州万达酒店,作为您职业生涯的最佳起点和学业生涯的最好对接,我们将提供超出您期望的生活条件,工作机会和发展平台 As the best beginning for your hospitality career and the best interface for your studying road, Quanzhou Wanda Hotel will provide you with the best living conditions, job opportunities, and development platform above your expectation 外地员工将免费享受酒店提供的宿舍 Dormitories will be provided for un-local associates freely 酒店为您提供优质的免费工作餐 High-quality duty meals will be provided for all associates freely 酒店提供免费的制服和工鞋,及制服洗涤服务 Uniforms and shoes will be provided by hotel for all associates freely, and provide free laundry service for uniform as well 酒店配有舒适的免费洗浴设备 Comfortable shower facilities will be provided to all associates freely 酒店配备多功能的文娱活动室 Multi-function recreation room will be opened to all associates 我们定期开展丰富的员工团队活动 A wealth of associate team-building activities will be developed regularly 酒店为每位同事量身定制培训课程和发展计划 Hotel will customize training courses and development plan for each associate 为您的个人成长和职业发展提供无限的机会 Hotel will offer unprecedented opportunities for your own personal growth and career development 提供有竞争力的薪酬与福利 You will enjoy a competitive salary and benefits 吸引并留住最优秀的人才 We will always try our best to attract and retain talents 酒店为您能能在我们的品牌里获得理想的职业发展而深感自豪 Hotel is proud that you can obtain ideal career development in our brand 承诺将努力促进员工的职业发展 We promise that we will do our best to promote the associates career development 提供内部的调动和晋升机会 Opportunities of internal transfer and promotion will be opened to all associates equally 我们的联系方式: Contact Us Via: 地址:泉州市丰泽区田安南路536号外代大厦12楼 邮编:362000 Address: 12F PENAVCO Building, No.536 Tianan South Road, Fengze District, Quanzhou Fujian362000 电话Tel:0595-68298888 传真Fax:0595-68298999 电子邮箱Email:qzwdjd@ 网址Website:http://ww***.cn[点击查看]



上一条:[广东]侨兴集团2012招聘宣讲会 西安工程大学专场
