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职位:Senior R&D Engineer
■ 招聘详情

招聘职位 Senior R&D Engineer * 高级研发工程师

学历要求 博士

招聘专业 数理专业

招聘人数 1


Responsibilities: . 1. Play a principle role in data analysis software development2. Act as in-house experts in the field of data analysis and on competitor products3. Write technical documentations related to algorithms and analysis features4. Research and develop computation algorithmsQualities Required 1. PhD in Science, Engineering, or a related field.2. Experience in working in laboratory and handling experiment data is preferred3. Experience with analysis software such as Origin, MATLAB, Mathematica is preferred4. Excellent command of both written and oral English5. Excellent command of communication skills, and team work spirit

应聘方式 有意者请把您的中英文简历寄到jobs@ 并以以下格式为标题 "Position-Your name-University-Degree-Major ", e.g. Senior R&D Engineer-LiMing-ZhongShanU-PHD-Physics

■ 公司情况

企业名称 广州原点软件有限公司

单位性质 三资企业

所属行业 其他

所在地 广东省广州市



招聘形式 网上招聘


■ 联系方法

联系人 朱小姐

电话 38792052

传真 38792565

Email job@

主页 ww***com[点击查看]

邮编 510620

地址 广州市天河区体育西路高盛大厦21楼A#

■ 企业简介

本公司是美国OriginLab公司的中国分公司。主要负责Origin软件研发以及测试 工作。OriginLab公司的产品Origin是一个高级的科学绘图、数据分析软件。软 件客户包括全球科技领先公司,政府研究部门以及超过800家著名大学。我们 在中国和美国的开发工程师及科学家们致力于为尖端研究提供软件支持和问 题解决方案,诚挚欢迎有兴趣的您加盟! OriginLab Corporation publishes scientific graphing software and data analysis software. Our software provides a comprehensive solution for scientists and engineers, who need to analyze, graph, and professionally present data. Our main product, Origin, has been growing in popularity among scientists and engineers as a serious data analysis and graphing software since 1991. Today, with over 100,000 licenses worldwide, Origin is used in hundreds of large corporations and around a thousand colleges and universities worldwide. We remain committed to our mission of making Origin the best scientific graphing software and data analysis software. Along with its easy-to-use graphical interface, Origin offers intuitive, yet powerful, research tools for the daily needs of the researcher. Origin has been designed so that you can start using it right out of the box, yet its wide range of advanced features will provide for your growing needs. Please visit our website, ww***om,[点击查看] for more information.


